Animals & Zones at Singapore Zoo

Zones at Singapore Zoo

The Singapore Zoo is home to more than 2,800 animals from more than 300 species of mammals, birds, and reptiles that roam freely in open enclosures that resemble their natural habitats. Visitors and the animals are only separated by moats and wooden fencing. The Singapore Zoo is situated in one of the most beautiful wildlife environments in the world. During your exploration tour of the zoo, you will come across a number of zones which are created to offer unique experiences to the visitors. Each zone has got its very own popular animal and dedicated tour guides to give you a loads of information. You will also get a chance to feed the creatures in the zones. The Australasia zone is home to grey kangaroos and wallabies which happen to be popular Australian species. The Fragile Forest mimics a tropical rainforest environment and allows visitors to have one on one adventures.


Although Australia is home to the majority of the world's marsupials, the Americas, New Guinea, and Indonesia also have native marsupials. This display also features tree kangaroos from Papua New Guinea in addition to Australia's grey kangaroos and speedy wallabies.

Elephants of Asia

Elephants, which are revered in Hinduism and Buddhism, have had a significant impact on Asian culture since they were domesticated 4,000 years ago. This one-hectare exhibit, which has Burmese-style buildings, highlights these largest living land animals as well as the history and culture that surrounds them.

Fragile Forest

Enter this biodome that is 20,000 cubic metres in size and simulates a tropical rainforest. As you travel through the several layers of the jungle, get up close and personal with its furry and feathered inhabitants. In addition, you can expect spineless close encounters at Discovery Outpost!

Primate Kingdom

Our primates in Primate Kingdom use "islands" for play, leisure, and foraging. By introducing lush vegetation, plantings of trees, wild grasses, gingers, palms, and bamboo assist in recreating the primates' native habitat. Fish of all kinds, including the magnificent South American arapaima, are present in the moats that round the islands. Watch out for the roving Javan langurs while you're here. Among the treetops, you just might see their exquisite facial features!

Rainforest KidzWorld

Jump, hop, slide, and swing! Play with all of your heart and let your hair down. Visit the falabellas, ride the Wild Animal Carousel, and stop by Buddy Barn to cuddle with some fuzzy pals. Meet the tiniest breed of horses—our falabellas. In addition to the beauties Flamenca and Lovena, you might also meet Pampeano, the herd's dark stallion, or dashing Bollin with his distinctive hairstyle.

Reptile Garden

Over 60 species of reptiles and amphibians from four geographical zones are housed in RepTopia, with a third of them having never been seen before. Glass panels that open like windows during daily keeper demonstrations provide clear views of the scaly variety. Our amiable docents will entertain you with little-known reptilian facts and tales on the weekends. The addition of multi-species exhibits, interactive stations, and kid-friendly play areas creates a truly spectacular zone.

Animals at Australasia Zone

The Australia Zone is one of the most fantastic zones at the Singapore Zoo. The Cassowary is one of the many spectacular animals that you will find here. These beautiful creatures are endemic to the region of the Australian continent. The wallabies resemble a lot to kangaroos in their size and weight however they are a completely different animal population which can be found in abundance in these regions. Next on, discover the humongous gray kangaroos and have a fun time admiring their daily activities and more. Discover more about the tree kangaroos at the Australian zone which are distinct animals of the marsupials.


The tropical forests of New Guinea, neighbouring islands, and northeastern Australia are home to the cassowaries, which are ratites—very big, flightless birds—that belong to the genus Casuarius. There are now three identified living species. Cassowaries eat mostly fruit, but since all species are truly omnivorous, they will also eat tiny vertebrates and invertebrates as well as shoots, grass seeds, and fungi.

Grey Kangaroo

The kangaroos are one of the most splendid marsupial creatures that you will spot at the zone. These kangaroos can go upto a height of 6 feet and have pockets in their tummy that carry their babies. This is one of the most special animals that are endemic to the islands of Australia only.


The wallabies resemble a lot to kangaroos in their size and weight however they are a completely different animal population. They are chiefly found in the Australian continent and have distinct behaviors that you should learn more about.

Tree Kangaroo

Discover more about the tree kangaroos at the Australian zone which are distinct animals of the marsupials. These kangaroos have splendid and large bodies with long tails resembling that of a monkey that help them climb up trees.

Animals at Fragile Forest Zone

The fragile forest zone of the Singapore zoo consists of immensely beautiful animal species that you cannot miss out on. This zone consists of the Common Crowned Pigeons, with their spectacular blue and green body as well as the lacy crestover their heads that you cannot miss out on. The beautiful Golden Lion Tamarin is another immensely beautiful species that you will find here. These monkeys with their bright orange bodies are an absolutely beautiful sight to watch. You will also find the green iguana at this site. These herbivores grow upto a size of 6 feet and have incredible beauty that will make you come back for more.

Common Crowned Pigeons

You are sure to get awe-struck by the beauty of the ethereal common crowned pigeon. These bird species have lacy blue crests over their head and a remarkable blue body that you can easily distinguish. These crowned pigeons are extremely rare to spot and their beauty will definitely impress you.

Golden Lion Tamarin

Native to the coast of Brazil, the Golden lion tamarin is an exclusive species of monkey that you will out at the Fragile Forest Zone. The monkeys have a bright orange fur body and are currently an endangered species. Their maines make them absolutely beautiful. Enjoy the rare sight of this near to extinction species.

Green Iguana

The green iguanas are native to that region of America and can be easily spotted for their beautifully large bodies that go upto a length of 6.5 meters as well. These herbivores have a lifespan of 12-15 years and are an extremely rare species to spot because of their camouflage properties. The green iguanas are native to that region of America and can be easily spotted for their beautifully large bodies that go upto a length of 6.5 meters a swell. These herbivores have a lifespan of 12-15 years and are an extremely rare species to spot because of their camouflage properties.

Nicobar Pigeon

The Nicobar pigeon has a small frame, a brightly coloured plumage, and a narrow, pointed beak. These island birds, which are regarded as one of the most attractive pigeon species, have a dark slate grey body and upperparts that are iridescent blue-green and copper-bronze. Their white tail and contrasting neck hackles further accentuate their glossy feathers.

Pond Skater

The pond skaters are a distinct feature of bugs that can be found at the water bodies. They have extremely small bodies which make it hard to spot them. They usually skate over the water surface whilst attacking other small insects.

Toco toucan

Found in abundance in the regions of America, the toco toucan is one of the fanciest species of birds. Theories are identified with their large and humongous orange hued beaks. They are used for commercial mascots and their ethereal beauty is something you cannot miss out making it one of the best Singapore zoo famous animals.

Animals at Ethiopia Zone

The Great Rift of Ethiopia Zone at Singapore Zoo is one of the most fascinating walk-in trails that you should definitely explore. Some of the most distinguished animals here at this zone are, blue winged geese which can be identified with its bluish green features and patches adorning its entire body. The meerkat is another splendid animal that can be found in abundance in this zone. Their mongoose-like behaviors are extremely funny to watch and admire. Another one of the most exquisite animals, the Nubian ibex will definitely impress you with their shimmering coats and quaint posture. Spot the rare species of Rock hyrax at this zone too.

Blue Winged Goose

The blue winged goose is another one of the most fascinating species which can be identified with its pale green and blue body. The geese are mid size and endemic to the region of Ethiopia. Learn more about these incredible waterfowl species and identify them by their high-pitched yelps.


The meerkat is another splendid species that can be found in abundance at the Great Rift of Ethiopia Zone at Singapore Zoo. These species look like mongoose and with their indistinct fur bodies and black patched mouth, it is delightful to watch them run around in their enclosures and observe their nocturnal activities too.

Nubian ibex

The Nubian ibex are threatened goat species that are usually found in the mountainous or desert regions. These goats can be found with long and twisted horns. The goats are extremely active during the day and with limited night time activities. Their shimmering coat helps them reflect the UV light which is a distinct feature.

Rock hyrax

The rock hyrax despite looking like rodents are actually closely related to the elephant family. These animals are endemic to the regions of South Africa and the Middle east. They are identified with the brown furry coats and two distinct teeth like elephants make them recognisable.

Saddle-billed stork

The immensely beautiful saddle-billed stork is absolutely long legged flow species and has a verdant and elongated beak structure with white and black body which makes it distinguished. These fowl species are found in the region of Africa, Ethiopia and Kenya and possess beautiful behavioral characteristics that you cannot miss out on.

Hamadryas Baboon

One of the distuinghed members of the baboon family, the Hamadryas balloon with its furry coast and swelled up mouths plays a vital role in the food web and food chains as well. They are native to the Arabian peninsula and Horn of Africa.

Animals at Primate Kingdom Zone

The primate kingdom is one of the most visited sections in the Singapore zoo. It houses a wide variety of incredibly beautiful primates who resemble humans a lot in their behavior and living styles. Discover the humongous Black howler monkey which is one of the biggest of primates, and observe their activities nearly resembling humans. Another one of the most splendid are the cotton top tamarins, which are extravagant and cute monkeys with a distinct white crestover their heads. In this zone you will also discover the fantastic looking Black-handed spider monkey and the distinct black and white tailed lemurs.

Black-and-white ruffed lemur

The black and white ruffed lemur are an endangered species and also listed as one of the most sought after singapore zoo famous animals. These lemurs have a height ranging between 3.3 to 3.9 feet and spring from treetops to entertain you. They are extremely active during the day hours and it is a fun sight to watch these cute furry creatures.

Black-handed spider monkey

The black spider monkey is another one of the greatest singapore zoo famous animals that can be found at the primate kingdoms. Thes primate belong to the native regions of Central and South America. You will see these creatures hanging upside down and playing with their mates in their tree studded enclosures.

Black howler monkey

These are one of the largest monkeys in the primate zones, and resemble a lot to humans in terms of their sizes and behaviors. These monkeys are a beautiful sight to watch as they spring from treetops to tree tops entertaining you for a long time.

Cotton-top tamarin

These cute primates have a district white crust through which they can be easily recognized. The monkeys have an incredible life span of 24 years and are usually found sitting and eating nuts on the tree tops. They weigh 20 ounces by their small sizes and shouldn't be mistaken for other active day activities that you cannot miss out on.

Squirrel Monkey

The squirrel monkeys are found in abundance especially in the dense and tropical forests of amazon and central Africa. These Monkeys are extremely small in size and are recognized with a black patch around their mouths. They resemble human beings a lot and are considered extremely clever Singapore zoo famous animals.

Ring-Tailed Lemur

The ring-tailed lemur are recognised with their long tails which have black and white patterns around them. The leisure activities are extremely quick in climbing up to treetops and jumping from one to another in swift movements.

Animals at Rainforest KidzWorld Zone

Rainforest Kidzworld Zone is one of the spectcaular zone where your kids will discover a wide range of pets and animals. The most awe-inspiring of all is the Falabella, which are small breeds of horses with cute hairdos that you cannot miss out on.Next on, the incredible Fancy Rat and guinea pigs, with their furry coats and cute acts will impress you with their beauty. Discover ferrets, belong to natives of America and Europe and learn a great deal about these domestic creatures. At this one, your kids will also get a chance to interact and feed with goats, another one of the most special domestic animals.


Your kids are going to absolutely love these small breeds of horses. The fallbela are incredibly small and have a maximum height of 68cm. These horse breeds look like cute ponies and come in different colors like white, brown and light brown. They have cute hairdos which will surely impress your kids.

Fancy Rat

Witness the fancy rat at the Kidzworld, and observe their cute actions as they run around in their enclosures. These rats are one of the cutest pets in European households. They have extravagant furry coats and have a splendid life span of 2-3 years. There are a plenty of fancy rats at the kidworld enclosure


Also called as wild European polecats, the ferrets are extremely cute and beautiful creatures. They come from the native countries of North America and are pet animals as well. They weigh extremely light about 2 kg and grow upto to a maximum of 20 inches. You will find a myriad of ferrets at the kidworld enclosure.


The hedgehogs are beautiful creatures which belong to the Erinaceinae family. They have spiny backs and can be found in most parts of Asia, Europe, Africa and New Zealand. These rodents have spiny backs and are also a popular form of pet animals. They Have adapted to nocturnal lifestyles and are most active during night time.

Guinea Pig

Another one of the most popular pet animals, the guinea pig is a fabulous animal that you will spot at the kidsworld. These domestic animals resemble rats and are found in abundance in the North American and European continents. Your kids are absolutely going to love the sight of these amazing animal species.


The goats are the cutest addition to the kidzworld. Your kid will have a great time learning about these domestic animals which are a source of livelihood. Also get a solid chance to feed straws to the goats and watch them run and hop in their gathering.

Animals at Reptile Garden Zone

The reptile garden zone is one of the most visited zones in the Singapore Zoo. At this zone you will meet fabulous reptiles which are endemic to various zones of Africa, South east Asia, Indian subcontinent and South America. Upon entering you will find the exclusive sight of Komodo Dragon. This reptile is considered extremely dangerous and belongs to the lizard family. They can grow upto a size of 10 feet and weigh around 200 kgs as well. Watch these skillful attackers in their enclosures and learn a great deal about their lifestyle.Another one of the most amazing reptiles here is the Estuarine Crocodile. With size that can grow upto 21 feet, these crocodiles feed on fishes and have a history of attacking humans as well.

Indian Gharial is another one of the most exquisite animals that you will spot here. They have long snouts and remain in water and only come to land when they need to lay their eggs.

Komodo Dragon

The komodo dragon is one of the most fascinating animals in this very zone. Exclusive to the countries of Indonesia and Indian subcontinent, these reptiles grow upto a size of 100 feet. The dragons can have a weight of 300 pounds and are extremely poisonous. They hunt for small reptiles, mammals and birds. They have an incredible life span of 8 years.

Indian Gharial

The Indian gharial is another peculiar animal that you will find at the reptile garden zones. These can grow upto a size of 4.5 meter and have an extremely calm nature unless attacked by predators. These gharials have long snouts filled with teeth which helps them feed on fishes. They mostly remain afloat in the water and only come out to the ground for laying eggs or basking in the sun.

Estuarine Crocodile

Also known as Saltwater crocodiles, these reptiles are not prone to being endangered. They can be found in abundance in the saltwater and brackish water of the Indian subcontinent. These animals can grow extremely long upto 21 feet and weigh 1000kg. They are skillful attackers as well.

Aldabra Giant Tortoise

These gain tortoises have an incredible lifespan and grow upto immse sizes of about 122 cm in length. These reptiles can easily swim in the water and come to the ground in search of food. They have an average weight of 250 kg.

Animals at Redtopia Zone

The reptiles zones at the Singapore zoo are one of the most interesting walk in trails. This zone houses the most textured skin and rare species endemic to only a few countries. As you walk in you'll come across the rare amazon milk frog. These amphibians have milky white skin and are extremely small to spot. Another one such increible frog family member is the Dyeing Poison Frog which can sign up to 20 mm in length and produces toxins when consumed by predators.At this very zone you will also find the incredible Indian cobra. Also get to know more about the frilled lizard and emperor scorpions which are exclusive to this zone.

Amazon Milk Frog

the amazon milk frog are one of the most exquisite reptiles that you will find at this zone. The frog have milkywhite skin with a tint of blue. The secret poisonous jelly like substance from their skin when they are threatened by predators. These frogs are extremely cute to observe and their defense mechanism is bewitching to know about.

Crocodile Monitor

The crocodile monitor is one of the largest animals in the reptile family. These lizards can grow upto 8 feet in size and are considered extremely aggressive too. They have quick bites when attacked by predators. They belong to the region of SouthEast Asia and have distinct black bodies with green patterns.

Dyeing Poison Frog

These amphibians with their bright skins have a mix of yellow, blue and white pattern is something that you should not miss out on. The dyeing poison frog can spring upto a length of 50mm. These are poisonous in nature and produce toxins when consumed by predators. They are extremely small in size and grow upto a maximum of 2 inches in length.

Emperor Scorpion

The emperor scorpion have the most distinct bodies, and they are usually balck in nature but aboard UV light to turn into pastel green or blue. These scorpions are extremely poisonous in nature produced by their spencers. They usually grow upto a size of 20 centimeters in length and even more if the female is pregnant.

King Cobra

The king cobra is one of the fascinating reptiles that exclusively belong to SouthEast Asia and Africa. These are one of the most venomous living species, and they can grow upto a size of 4 meters. The venom of king cobra results in instant deaths as well. It raises its head and protrudes the neck flap when it senses danger.

Frilled Lizard

Watch out for the frilled lizard at this zone, which has frills along their neck and provides them when it senses danger. They can be exclusively found in Australia and New Guinea.

Tortoise Shell-ter

The tortoise shelter zone is one of the most incredible reptile zones, and features a wide range of distinguished tortoise species. These tortoises have exclusive shell patterns and great lifespan. The Burmese Star Tortoise have radiating black shell and grow upto a size of 12 centimeters. Watch these incredible tortoise species which are close to extinction. The Indian Star Tortoise found exclusively in the Indian subcontinent are another splendid reptile life which is close to extinction. They have incredibly beautiful starry shell patterns that you cannot miss out on.At this zone, you will find other exclusive species like the red footed and yellow footed tortoise as well.

Burmese Star Tortoise

The burmese star tortoise is one of the oldest animals at the Singapore zoo. These species of tortoise are extremely close to extinction. The beautiful tortoise can be identified with its radiating black shell. Exclusive only to the forests of Myanmar, these cute creatures usually grow up to a size of 12 centimeter.

Indian Star Tortoise

The Indian star tortoise is one of the most indegenious species of animals at the Singapore zoo. These categories of tortoise can be found in the Indian subcontinent. These categories of tortoise can be found in the red list and are prone to extinction. Their shells have a starry outer feature which makes it extremely distinct.

Red Footed Tortoise

The red footed tortoise are extremely cute marine animals that have a brownish foot and grow upto a size of 30 cm. The tortoises are exclusive to the zones of South American jungles. These reptiles come in different colors like bright yellow, red and orange. The tortoise are good pets and can be found at many homes as well.

Radiated Tortoise

The radiated tortoise has one of the most beautiful looking shells with extraordinary star patterns that will leave you impressed with the beauty. They are native to regions of Southern Madagascar. The tortoises have an incredible lifespan of 188 years and grow upto a size of 41 cm in length.

Yellow-Footed Tortoise

The yellow footed tortoise are extremely cute marine animals that have a brownish foot and grow upto a size of 30 cm. The tortoises are exclusive to the zones of South American jungles. These reptiles come in different colors like bright yellow, red and orange. The tortoise are good pets and can be found at many homes as well.

Leopard Tortoise

The leopard tortoise is another extraordinary species that are exclusively found in South Africa. Their shell patterns are unique and have beautiful patterns which give them names. These Tortoises grow upto a size of 70 cm and can weigh upto 40 kgs. These are one of the largest tortoise species of the reptile family.

Animals at Treetops Trail Zone

The treetops trail zone at Singapore zoo has a fantastic range of animals like gibbons and gharials. As you walk through these trails, you will come across the greater mouse deer. Smaller in size and hard to spot, these animals are one of the most clever animals that can be found at the zoo. Read more about them at the description and have a fun time interacting with them. The false gharial is another one of the most exquisite animals at the Singapore zoo. These ghairyals which resemble alligators have an extremely long snout filled with 12 teeth. At this zone you will also come across siamang which belong to the incredible gibbon family.

Greater Mousedeer

The greater mouse deer are usually small animals,which are exclusively found in Indonesia, Myanmar and in Thailand. These furry creatures are one of the cutest animals at the Singapore zoo. Its natural habitat is the tropical and subtropical forests. Watch them in their enclosures as they beckon to your call. They are extremely small and extend maximum upto a 75 centimeter only.


The siamang is one of the fantastic creatures at the treetops trail zone. These animals are large sized gibbons, and have thick black fur over their body. Their actions and lifestyle resembles humans a lot. Watch them spring up from one treetop to another, and learn great revelations about them in their enclosure. This is one of the most fun to watch animals at the Singapore zoo.

False Gharial

Native to the Malaysian island, the false gharial is another one of the most splendid predator animals at the singapore zoo. These gharitals grow upto 12 feet and feed on dead masses. Their long snout resembling an alligator is filled with teeth and thus is named so. Their swift movements in the water makes it a very clever predator.

Animals at Wild Africa Zone

The wild africa zone houses a myriad of splendid and exquisite animal species. The zone has the most fabulous and extravagant looking african lions. These majestic creatures, with their spectacular walks will impress you. You will usually find a large gathering at the lion enclosure, of people who are excited to catch a glimpse of this unbelievably great animal. Next on the list of predators, the cheetah, the fastest animal on the planet with a speed of 120 kmph will impress you with their uncanny beauty. Have a fun time spotting the meerkats and the fossa in their enclosures as they confuse you with their running and hiding abilities.

African lion

The wild africa zoo consists of the most amusing singapore zoo animals. The African lion is a spectacular species that people from all across gather to take a glimpse of. This humongous creature, the king of the jungle, is a fantastic species that walks in its enclosure with all its pride and gratification.


The fossa is another splendid singapore zoo animal and is a must watch in the wild african zone. This species is endemic to Madagascar and its small structure should be mistaken for its otherwise extremely active and quirky lifestyle. The fossa is one of the hardest things to spot in its enclosures, because of its brown coat that matches with the background.


The fastest animal on land, the cheetah is another one of the most wonderful Singapore zoo animals. The cheetah belongs to the cat family and its running speed can go upto around 80 to 120 kilometers per hour. The cheetah and their distinct pattern on coats is a fabulous sight that you need to witness in the African enclosure.


The tall and splendid looking giraffe is another one of the most exquisite Singapore zoo animals. The giraffes are herbivores and their necks elongate upto unbelievable heights. The giraffes are native to Africa and their splendid pattern on the coat make it one of the most beautiful creatures to ever walk on earth.


The meerkats belong to the mongoose family and are identified by their large head, broad eyes and furry tails. Have a fun time spotting one of the most clever Singapore zoo animals as they run and hop in their enclosures confusing the watchers. They also belong to the African continent.

Red River Hog

The river hog is another one of the most splendid Singapore zoo animals and is characterized by their red bodies resembling that of a guinea pig. They are usually found by swans and muddy areas. At the African wild zone you will have a closer look at them and learn about their lifestyle and distinct features.

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What makes Singapore Zoo so special?

The Singapore zoo is one of the largest attractions in Singapore and incredibly famous for their vast regions of jungles and rainforests. The zoo has plenty of zones like pirate kingdom zones, Australian marsupials and other spectacular zones like fragile forest, and kidzworld zone that will keep your toddlers entertained.

Who can we ask help for any animal assistance outside the park?

Contact the park officials to seek help for animal assistance outside the park.

How long do people spend at Singapore Zoo?

People usually require 2-3 hours to fully explore the park. The park has plenty of zones that will keep you busy and entertained.

What are the dining places at Singapore Zoo?

Singapore Zoo offers a wide range of dining facilities for tourists to savour delicious local and international cuisines once they are exhausted after exploration tour. 1. Ah Meng Restaurant2. Inuka Cafe3. Chawang Bistro4. Mama Panda kitchen

What is the difference between Singapore Zoo and Night Safari?

The Singapore Zoo has walking trails covering various attractions and zones that you can discover during day times. The primates and the Australian marsupials are usually active during this time. However the Singapore Night Safari especially focuses on nocturnal animals and their activities.

Is River Wonder inside of Singapore Zoo?

Yes, there is river wonders inside the zoo. River Wonders happens to be one of the most sought after attractions at the Singapore Zoo which you must miss out. Heading out on this safari tour, you will get to pass through some of the rare native species.

What should I wear to Singapore Zoo?

During your visit to the Singapore Zoo you must make sure that you put on appropriate clothing. Here are some of the things that you should keep in mind: 1. Light clothing2. Sturdy shoes3. Wear sunblock and caps as well.

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